Creates and checks a TPM parameter vector. No arguments returns default settings from Ingre, M., Van Leeuwen, W., Klemets, T., Ullvetter, C., Hough, S., Kecklund, G., Karlsson, D., & Åkerstedt, T. (2014). Validating and Extending the Three Process Model of Alertness in Airline Operations. PLoS ONE, 9(10), e108679.
la = 2.4,
ha = 14.3,
d = -0.0353,
g = log((14.3 - 14)/(14.3 - 7.96))/8,
bl = 12.2,
Cm = 0,
Ca = 2.5,
p = 16.8,
Um = -0.5,
Ua = 0.5,
Wc = -5.72,
Wd = -1.51,
S0 = 7.96,
KSS_intercept = 10.6,
KSS_beta = -0.6
Low asymptote. Minimum alertness allowed by homeostatic process (S)
High asymptote. Maximum alertness allowed by homeostatic process (S)
Alertness decay rate. Rate at which alterness decays when awake (homestatic process)
Fatigue recovery rate per unit time. Rate at which alertness recovers when asleep
Alertness level that breaks Sprime function. The alertness level at which low pressure sleep kicks in
Mesor of C process (average level) for 24-hour circadian (C) process
Amplitude of C process (extent to which peaks deviate from average level) for 24-hour circadian (C) process
Default C process phase (i.e., peak) for 24-hour circadian (C) process
Mesor of U process (average level) for 12-hour circadian (U) process (dip in afternoon)
Amplitude of U process process (extent to which peaks deviate from average level) for 12-hour circadian (U) process (dip in afternoon)
Initial reduction in alertness for sleep inertia (W) process
Recovery rate for sleep inertia (W) process
Initial value of homeostatic process (S)
KSS transformation intercept
KSS transformation beta
parameter vector