All models implemented in FIPS are implemented to be run on a FIPS_df object --- a dataframe containing a time series of all variables required to run FIPS_simulate to generate a FIPS_simulation object (a subclass of FIPS_df).




A dataframe that matches the required FIPS_df structure


The specification for a FIPS_df is a dataframe object that contains the following variables (columns). The only input required to generate this is a series of sleep/wake times. The FIPS_df is a tibble with the following variables (columns):

  • datetime = vector of datetime stamps separated at equidistance intervals.

  • = a supplementary variable indicating sleep episode identifier.

  • wake_status = Awake (T) or asleep (F) at that epoch interval/epoch

  • wake_status_int = Awake (1) or asleep (0) at that epoch interval/epoch

  • change_point = Whether the individual changed wake status at that interval/epoch.

  • switch_direction = Whether switch was to sleep or to wake

  • status_duration = How long individual has been in status at that current time point

  • total_prev = If a switch has occured, how long were that in the previous status.

  • time = time of day in decimal hour

  • day = days into simulation

  • sim_hours = hours simulation has run for total

Note that is theoretically possible to generate a dataframe yourself and apply the FIPS:::as_FIPS_df() method. Be cautious however that as of FIPS 0.1.0 there is no validator at object instantiation time. This is because the validation occurs in internal functions specified in the parse_sleeptimes. If the API for creating your own FIPS_df objects is opened to the user end this will be addressed.

See also

See FIPS_simulation (internal) for additional columns added after a simulation is run.

Also see parse_sleeptimes for sleep times converter.